Published Jul 25, 2005
37 Posts
Hello to everyone:
I found out that Louisiana, Kansas, New York, California, Washington state, and Alaska does not recongnize online students in these states. :angryfire Deaconess will not accept applications from Louisiana residents because of the state ruling online programs.
If anyone reside in the above state and trying to obtain a online nursing degree please do not waste your time.
Thanks, :Melody:
89 Posts
Thank you for the info. I think it is important information to share. I know in Louisiana they took issue with the way students were responsible for their own clinicals, specifically. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what the biggest issue is in other states.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
As with any facet of education, it is very important to know if you can get licensed at the end of your program. I recommend ALWAYS contacting your BON if there are ANY questions.
22 Posts
Hello to everyone:I found out that Louisiana, Kansas, New York, California, Washington state, and Alaska does not recongnize online students in these states. :angryfire Deaconess will not accept applications from Louisiana residents because of the state ruling online programs. If anyone reside in the above state and trying to obtain a online nursing degree please do not waste your time.Thanks, :Melody: moon30
I was told by someone that Washington State will only take LPN's that have finished their RN online and they will reconize some online programs;it has alot to do with their clinical portion. Anyone from WA would have to call their BON to find out of Deaconess or anyother program would be accepted. If anyone has any other information regarding WA I too would like to know.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
If you have finished your RN training, why is there any concern with them accepting the LPN then? They are completely two separate licenses.
I guess what I was trying to say and wasn't very clear about it ( sorry about that). If you are a LPN and you have choose to finsh getting your RN through DCN or Phonix online they are more likely to reconize your RN then if you had gotten your LPN and RN online together. WA is funny about that. They are very concerned about the clinical portion. They want to see a certain amount of hours devoted to clinical time in a hospital setting or site. I hope this explains what I am trying to say. There is another online program that you can get your nursing by studying and taking exams, I believe there are about 6-7 exams and then you go for a clincal evaluation at a hospital somewhere across the state sometimes miles from where you live. It takes 3-4 days. Other then a bootcamp type prep most individals don't have any clincial back ground and this is what WA state is concerned about. I am not completely sure about all my facts, getting most of my information second hand because my friend tried going this route to get her RN and after checking with WA state DON she decided to moved out of state and go to a local college.
I hope I have made things a little more clear. I really wish it wasn't so hard to get a RN degree, There is such a shortage and large numbers on waiting lists at local colleges.I do understand it is important to have a good clinical background and experience before working as a RN and I think that WA state is trying to make the pratice is save.
You are very clear, their program is readily accepted for the RN portion if the nurse already had an LPN from a traditional program. University of Phoenix actually now offers a bridge program on-line for LPN to RN program, and as far as I know it is accepted in all 50 states. The key with these programs is that the LPN part was obtained in a traditional program and not on-line.