Online colleges in California


Hi there evryone. I am new to this. I live in Southern california and I am trying to start a AS program in Nursing in a nearby Community college. I have a B.A in Linguistics so I know I have to take the prereqs. However I have a 13 month old who I would rather not take to a daycare if I can help it. So someone suggested to see if I can do some of my prereqs online like Math, Biology,Chem etc. I checked st. Petersburg college in Florida but since I live in California, the out of state tuition is too expensive for me. Pls if anybody knows of any colleges in CA that will allow you to take the prereqs online pls do fill me in. I really want to start in fall at the least. Pls feel free to contribute



I can totally relate. I am just finishing up my pre reqs and I have done them completely online. It hasn't been easy, but it has been worth it. I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and it has been worth working a little harder than having to put them in daycare.

For sciences check out Edukan

They offer AP I, AP II, Chemistry, Biology and a bunch of other courses.

It's a set 115 per credit so you don't have to worry about out of state tuition.

Another great college is Passaic County Community College in NJ.

They also offer a good variety of science courses online.


I believe it's 96/ per credit.

Hope this helps,

Specializes in Oncology, OR.

I agree, Edukan seems to be the way to go, especially with kids. You can realistically complete the majority -- if not all -- of your prereqs through them, and it is an accredited community college. I like it a lot.

Where exactly are you in Southern California? I'm from that area and know that several of the CCs there offer a good variety of classes online now, perhaps I can guide you in the right direction? Feel free to send me a PM if you'd like!

Good Luck!

Specializes in GI, OR, Oncology.

I'm looking into taking some of my prereq's online through Coastline Community College:

The ones I still need are completely online.

Good luck to you!


Thx everybody. I'll be following with the school advisor on edukan. I'll still be looking hoping I could still find a school in California. Thx soo much


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