Published May 28, 2016
4 Posts
I am one week away from taking my NCLEX and, of course, I'm starting to feel the panic. I just graduated this month from nursing school and wanted to go ahead and take my boards. Is this a good idea or should I practice and review more. Any thoughts? I have been studying and practicing questions for about 2 weeks. My school used ATI ... I made a 97 on my predictor with ATI, and did the live review. I have just discovered Uworld and absolute love it, just wish I would have found it sooner. I feel so underprepared now, I might just push my test back a week and keep practicing Uword. Any thoughts? But my question is has anyone used ATI, and Uworld should I practice both or should I just focus on one, I also have a Kaplan test I wanted to take before boards, I'm not sure if in this case is more better or worse. After using Uworld I feel like maybe I just memorized what ATI wanted on the answers, and now I'm questioning do I really understand the material, also does anyone know what the percentile means on Uworld it says I'm in the 74% not sure what that means. Any advice or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!! The stress for NCLEX is real!!
poopylala, BSN, RN
97 Posts
From the GNs who have taken it that I've talked to, Uworld was the best source for preparation as it was most like the actual NCLEX. According to their site, a 60% or higher is indicative of passing the NCLEX