Published Oct 31, 2005
1 Article; 2,806 Posts
Let's talk about what you think are the pros and cons of each type of program. I gotta run but will be back sometime today.
All the below I learned in just a few!
Benefits of online learning:
Does not require physical attendance.
Most online courses can be taken anytime, early morning or late at night and anyplace.
Some online courses bring together students from all over the world, creating a network of global resources and knowledge.
Online learning can be customized to your abilities and skills.
It enables student-centered teaching.
Increases student interaction.
It teaches skills in using technologies.
It's less intimidating than in the classroom...level playing field undisturbed by race, gender, age, etc.
Increases bonding and camaraderie over traditional classroom settings.
Online course development allows for a broad spectrum of content, ie, anyone can access learning materials without worrying if it is already checked out, for example.
Over 75% of colleges and universities in the US offer online degrees and research shows the online programs are as respected as traditional programs.
Online classrooms facilitate team learning.
Students can attend class when they are fully awake and at a convenient time for them, rather than rigid time frame.
Greater diversity of course material. Note: My website is even being used by a university for reference material!
I would not have the opportunity to attend NP school if there were no online programs. That would mean one less NP in the world!
Test grades are available immediately!
You can check test grade stats to see how you compare to the rest of your class.
Online learning accommodates different learning styles.
Reduces faculty time spent on "administrivia."
Online classes utilize time more efficiently.
Reduces facility workload
Students can pursue areas of learning rather than sit through lectures aimed at an entire group.
No drive time. This time saved could be used for another degree or other beneficial pursuits.
Less pollution from your gas guzzler auto...and expense.
Personalized instructor feedback at convenient times.
Greater market potential for struggling universities.
Less costs for universities.
Allows international partnerships at a lower cost for universities and students.
Man, I learned a lot in just a few minutes from the comfort of my desk!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I'm just curious - how you arrange clinicals? I am currently attending an online CNS which is in my hospital's College of Nursing. We do arrange most of our own clinicals, but have to have them okay'd with the school prior to starting them. Okay, guess I've answered my own question. Zenman - aren't you in Hong Kong now? Where would you do clinicals? (I was thinking overseas, you might try the local military hospitals).
Man, I wish I were in Hong Kong! I'm in Dhaka, Bangladesh now. We arrange clinicals the same as the traditional students. Look for someone who you think will make for a pleasant learning experience. I'll probably do mine with the US Embassy doc as he used to head up a residency program in the states which included NPs. I'm undecided where I'll do my residency but it will probably be in a foreign country if I can get a US board certified doc or an NP trained in the states to take me on. Otherwise I have some doc friends in the US who'll probably push me to the limits! Since UAB stresses cultural compentency, I think I can meet that goal by doing all clinicals in a foreign country. Plus, I currently work with 40 different cultures...think that qualifies for a little diversity!:chuckle