Published Feb 18, 2017
Wolf at the Door, BSN
1,045 Posts
What do you think or do when you see a position that has been open for over 60 days, in an area that is not starved for nursing?
Do you call HR? I do, because red flags go off in my head...
Maybe they are just collecting applications...
Hiring freeze...
Are they being super picky...
What is going on during the interview day...
Are nurses being offered the job but, turning it down and if so why....
Is it the pay at the time of offer low?
Was the position demanding more work than what it was revealed in the post...such as call requirement etc?
just some food for thought.
38,333 Posts
I look at job postings for two reasons, one is to keep up with what is available, sort of a form of informative entertainment for me. And the second reason being that I am looking for work for some reason, with varying levels of need at the time. I hate to see the same postings from the same employers all the time. That tells me that there is something wrong with the employer and not with me, because I am not working for them. I tend to cross those 'prospective' employers off my list, or put them at the bottom, for desperation applications only.
^ I get what you're saying. job post that never go away always open makes me wonder too why they can't keep anyone.