Old re-entry nurse.......help!


I've been nursing over a decade and a half. Had some time off, like 3 yrs. and now am starting sub critical care soon. During hospital orientation I brought home about 50# of paperwork, working on self studies too. I am freaked out about all the forms, more than before!!! AND, I am sure there will be another 50# of protocols etc. in the unit. I feel like this Furball can use some jet fuel to lauch off and am wondering how in the sam hill am I gonna remember all the forms???? Just the epidural form got my nerves a shaken :angryfire I need some encouragement and direction. The shifts are 12 hours of course and wondering if this old horse is just what she used to be :uhoh21:

Any old nurses back in the saddle again? There are new machines for everything now too. Furball icon4.gificon5.gif

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

I just worked yesterday with a nurse that did exactly what you did! She was great, but very nervous and I helped her out all day to get her familiar with the area, protocols, paperwork, and such. We were a great team, and although I could feel her fear/nervousness, I had an easy going caseload and reminded her that I was LTC for 4 years and back in hospital and still feel a little ignornant of the floor...but we are such a friendly group that re-learning is easy and fun!

Can you work in a med surge or other department till you get your nurse bearings back? That is sooooooo what I would do! Just to refamiliarize yourself. I did agency so I could do this...now I may be hired on full time :).

i have worked med/surg for about 10 years in my hx. i really could use another type of challenge opposed to having 7 -8 patients with each one having 5 wounds and can't turn plus most are in isolation. i think at this point its like falling off a horse or forgetting how to ride a bike, i just need a preceptor that is non neurotic to show me what to do, where things are etc. after so many years, one developes that keen assessment skill of just being in the presense of a patient for a few seconds, that is well developed and i hope to talk or run shall i say in that. its just all the darn paperwork :angryfire during orientation the fear of god was installed. well we have have to climb aboard at some time. just all pray for support and angel like staff and hope the docs are kind. gentle furball that hopes she is not going to be walking on a hot tin roof . ;)

Specializes in Med-Surg, , Home health, Education.

I think you'll do fine. The paperwork will all come in time. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Hopefully you'll get a good Preceptor who will not be afraid to learn a few tricks from you as well. I remember when I left Med-Surg and went into Home Health the paper work was astounding but eventually it was "old hat". Good luck. Just remember you've still got ton's of experience which will speak for itself.

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