Okla Bon Problems


I sent paperwork to Obn for my licensure verification Dec, 15. They lost my money, sent more. Money found. Now they say they sent my verification to Texas. Texas says they never got it. They asked me Friday to call Okla and have them fax it. I still haven't received my money back and figured I won't see it. My question is does anyone know how to get my paperwork processed without dealing with the rude people that I have talked to on the phone? Also they told me that they didn't get my request until later in Dec. Wrong as I overnighted it and have my paperwork. At this point I am so frustrated and so are my employers. At least they are holding my job. I just can't believe that they loose money and say they did something and didn't. They also lost my friends money and it was an act of congress to find it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.

With them you have to take your paper work and money to them in person. Sorry for all the crap they have put you through!

You have got to be kidding. It makes me curious as to what kind of people they have working there. Well it looks like I am making the drive to OKC Monday morning. I hope the weather isn't bad. Thanks anyway.

hope you got everything straight, my daughter sent her paperwork in the first week of Jan and has yet to get her confirmation email to pick a test date. Very frustrating, now after reading your post...I am even more concerned than before. We call the BON last Mon, they told us to call next Mon if she hasnt heard anything.

good luck

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