Published Sep 10, 2005
Endo Diva
9 Posts
I work on the East coast at a hospital and have just found out that a NP is going to train to do colonoscopies by a gastroenterologist.
I need to know if RNs can take orders for moderate sedation from a NP? This NP was recently was over heard asking another nurse "what are the reversals again"? This NP was also over heard asking what a pedunculated polyp was. I feel like I know more than him simply because I have been doing procedures for 5 years. I need help convincing everyone in my department that this is not appropriate pt. care. I agree that NP's could possibly do Flex-sigs, but a colonoscopy?? Thanks everyone in advance for input!
17 Articles; 45,841 Posts
I work on the East coast at a hospital and have just found out that a NP is going to train to do colonoscopies by a gastroenterologist. I need to know if RNs can take orders for moderate sedation from a NP? This NP was recently was over heard asking another nurse "what are the reversals again"? This NP was also over heard asking what a pedunculated polyp was. I feel like I know more than him simply because I have been doing procedures for 5 years. I need help convincing everyone in my department that this is not appropriate pt. care. I agree that NP's could possibly do Flex-sigs, but a colonoscopy?? Thanks everyone in advance for input!
I see your hesitancy ..... hmmm
Yes, RNs can take orders for moderate sedation, IF the NP has prescription privileges and/or hospital/clinic/facility privileges, AND/OR working under the auspices of a physician.
Yes, their are NPs performing colonoscopies, but, not every state allows this. Much criticism regarding these procedures done by NPs. My state does not allow it.
Now, this NP seems a little out of his league here.
And, I might add, the NSO insures NPs for this very procedure.
I've heard Alaska, simply because of the limited # of health care providers.
79 Posts
I don't know.....I've heard Fellows ask some strange questions re:coloscopies. I've also heard other nurses criticising them behind their backs and saying how they could do the scope in half the time, etc. I've also seen these fellows graduate, continue to practice and develop into awesome GI docs. I don't presume to think I know more than them simply b/c I've done (or assisted, I should say) in more procedures than them. They've also gone to med school and I haven't.
This thing w/the NP's is new to me, though I've heard about it coming at SGNA conferences for many years. Guess it's finally happening and we need to change w/the times. If the hospitals are going to embrace it then we are going to need to be flexible, as always in nursing. I've seen nurses b*tch and dig their heels in over change. And, ultimately it never makes a difference. I suppose you can refuse to assist the NP, but it will probably just make you look petty and jealous. It would be nicer if you could share your knowledge. I'm sure he is nervous but willing to learn.
Just my .02 :)
Your input is interesting. My concern is for patients undergoing a colonoscopy by a provider who is qualified to perform the procedure. I have been "assisting" doing cases with GI Physicians/fellows for 5 years and I have not heard of someone with minimal training completing this procedure. That precisely is my gripe. I will not "change with the times" if patient care is compromised. This advice, in my opinion is inappropriate on this particular issue.