Published Feb 11, 2016
201 Posts
Fired over a year ago for diversion, I immediately inactivated my license and got a lawyer. I do not use now and am very very thankful for that. The waiting kills me. I don't know if the county is coming after me, what the board will say, or if I lose my current job because of the board.
(I was able to find something non nursing that uses the degree but I have heard that the board will sometimes force you to notify even non nursing but medical employers about your monitoring.)
I live in constant fear and anxiety. I have apathy towards meetings, I know that abstinence is not sobriety and I need some intervention but cannot.. I mean CANNOT summon the energy to dump into those meetings. With kids, full time job, and life just running at full speed I know I should go but do not find the time. Why bother when Ohio will deliver me the oh so strict punishment I hear they give all. I was denied the alternative program based on "inability to be monitored" Lawyer says they never let anyone in and that is the main 'reason'. Unless you get into this program everything related to my discipline is public. PDF to transcripts. You want to get sick to your stomach, look up the Ohio BON and start reading. Peoples lives are on display for our albeit serious mistakes.
Relinquish license? You may be put on the OIG list. Guess what, my company happens to run checks monthly for those on the list..
I mess up. Worse than I have in my life ever. I can't even begin to heal until the hammer comes down with my sentence.
I am tired of crying and worrying