Official letter from the health authority of Saudi Arabia, directly to CRNBC

World International


respected sir/ madam


kindly go through the matter contained in the following lines

i am an indian citizen, an rn, presently residing in india. i had been working as a staff nurse in dr soliman fakeeh hospital, jeddah, ksa during the period from 2002 july to 2004 july in the pediatrics department. now i am an applicant in the college of registered nurses of british columbia, canada to write the crne examination. while assessing my qualifications they have found that my name is not registered with a regulatory body in saudi arabia as a registered nurse. i have received a letter from crnbc on 13/06/2009, requiring official letter from the health authority of saudi arabia, directly to crnbc, to confirm my right to practice as a registered nurse in the above said hospital. they also warn that if i fail to arrange such a letter my file will be destroyed.

i am totally confused .i don't know whom should i contact in saudi arabia to get such a letter. is there any nursing regulatory body in saudi arabia? if there is a body what is the contact address? i heard that in saudi arabia most services are not available to people residing in other countries. if i am not getting the above said letter from saudi authority, directly to crnbc, how can i realize this situation to crnbc? please help me to overcome this crisis.

i am already registered in 3 states in india .i have also passed nclex-rn and registered in michigan usa. are there any other provinces in canada who do not require such official letters and consider only the primary and present registration? please let me know.

thanking you

yours faithfully

smitha george

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

If you have worked in other countries it its required for all provinces that you get something from them (that is my understanding)


You should try the Saudi Council for Health care Specialties, or personnel at the hospital. I don't know when the rules came in but I am pretty sure you should have taken the exam, if you did not sit an exam then you never got the registration but they should be able to help. I am thinking of going back to Saudi, what was like working there?

Specializes in ER.

The only person who can help you is a certain senior staff at SCFHS. But I regret to inform you that this person is a very busy guy and there's no other way to contact him except to come and see him personally.

I hope this helps.

The only person who can help you is a certain senior staff at SCFHS. But I regret to inform you that this person is a very busy guy and there's no other way to contact him except to come and see him personally.

I hope this helps.

You can only contact him by coming to see him...but here is his number?


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Can I remind members not to post contact names and phone numbers

Specializes in ER.

Ooops sorry. Thank you for reminding me.:wink2:

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