Published Jan 5, 2024
t4shaffer, BSN, RN
5 Posts
Hey friends ?
Where are all my office nurses at? I have an interview next week for an internal medicine doctor's office position. I am trying to leave my current area based on schedule alone. I work pre/post op/pacu, 530am to 4pm. Overnight/weekend call rotation and holiday rotation. I am gone 11 hrs a day and feel like I miss my kids. By the time I get them from daycare, do sports and dinner, I am dead exhausted and crabby since waking at 430/445 every morning.
What is the office life like? The office is open 8-430, with one half day a week. Is this better work life balance? I know it's a pay cut, but at this point I feel like my kids are more important and need my time. Let me know what all you office girls like/dislike please! I'm trying to balance options and want to make the best choice and not regret it. Please advise!
Thank you nurses, love you all!