Published Sep 30, 2009
65 Posts
I just wondered if anyone else joined PTK, and maybe had their induction ceremony already. = ) I just wondered what the dress code was, or what everyone wore. I figure I'm going to have to buy something nice, but fashion isn't my strong suit. = ) I don't want to be over/under dressed. lol
Lennonninja, MSN, APRN, NP
1,004 Posts
I joined but I never went to an induction ceremony. Even if I never do anything with them as a group, I thought it'd be a nice thing to have on a résumé.
I agree. They said Ivy looks to see if you are a member when you apply to scholarships, I have no idea if that's true....but I take any help that's offered. = )
51 Posts
I got an email invitation to join, so I paid the dues and joined. I also joined because I've heard it looks good on scholarship applications and on job resumes.
The induction ceremony for Ivy Tech's Region 1 was this past Saturday. Dress code was business attire - slacks/skirts, dressy top, no gym shoes. Our ceremony lasted about an hour, and the inductees had to arrive an hour before the ceremony started.
Sand_Dollar, BSN
1,130 Posts
I just joined PTK. In our school you need a 3.75 to join. I am thankful for the scholarships they offer, the school I am transferring into has one just for PTK members.