Obesity Costlier Than Smoking

Nurses General Nursing


Since .gov has gotten so deep into the healthcare system and Medicare and Medicaid are eating up an ever greater portion of the USA's finances, these types of studies portend future penalties levied on unhealthy persons, ioho, and then denial of treatment / meds and eventually candydated onto Hospice:

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Tuesday, March 12, 2002, AP


Obesity costlier than smoking icon21.gif

Study: Effect same as aging 20 years

Associated Press

Washington --- Obese Americans spend more for health care and medications than smokers, largely because the extra weight causes the same jump in chronic health problems as does 20 years of aging, says a new study.

Although tobacco is still the nation's chief cause of preventable deaths, the surgeon general warned in December that obesity was running a close second.

For a more precise look at the resulting costs, Rand Corp. economist Roland Sturm used data from two national health surveys to estimate inpatient and outpatient health services by different groups of people.

Tobacco may have a higher death toll, largely because lung cancer can kill more quickly than some common obesity-linked diseases, but obesity was worse when it came to long-term health problems, he reports today in the journal Health Affairs.

Being obese increases health care costs 36 percent and medication costs 77 percent, while smoking increases those costs 21 percent and 30 percent, respectively.

Obesity contributed to a decline in quality of life at nearly four times the rate of smoking or alcohol abuse, Sturm reported. Only a two-decade jump to middle age --- going from age 30 to 50 --- brought similar health effects and costs, he said.


Lung malfunction deaths are worse than heart / kidney malfunction deaths ...

Not to mention the second-hand smoke pollution and violent asthma attacks triggered upon innocent bystanders ...

But obesity can be more long-term ...

Can a special tax on junk food be far behind?

From what you have seen in your practice, do you agree with this study?

Originally posted by Freezin in MI

However, I am personally appalled at a local hospital which has morbidly obese nurses working in their coronary care unit -

May I ask why?

Keep consuming candy, cigarettes, soft drinks, laxatives, booze, margerine, cake mixes, TV & the delusions, pet food, diet pills.

We do have the ability to stop all this quackery and when I say stop thats what I mean, STOPPING IT.

We can control ourselves, but weed hafta stop buying all the stuff we're force-fed.

It's totally rediculous, IMHO, to complain about anything unless your willing to put changes into effect.

In America, there is this whole campaign going on which says corporations are fullfilling a NEED of ours. They're not. You need a car - you need to look thin - you need to eat fast food - you need to take pills to improve your health - you need - you need - you need. Poor americans are assulted with so many messages every day they don't know whether they are coming or going.

So many people are get ripped off everyday, consuming stuff they are told they need to consume, when it's all the wigged out stuff they are told they need to consume that is messing them up. Blah-blah=blah

Originally posted by mario_ragucci

You need a car - you need to look thin - you need to eat fast food - you need to take pills to improve your health - you need - you need - you need. Poor americans are assulted with so many messages every day they don't know whether they are coming or going.

I agree. Assaulted is right.

Can you just imagine how the typical teenager feels...having to make it through puberty in this day and age...especially a young girl. :rolleyes: It's pathetic.

Everyone eats. Or they would be dead. WHAT they eat is a choice. Some people make better choices that others. NOT EVERYONE smokes. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EVERYONE needs to take of themselves. Eat right, get good amount of rest, exercise, drink in moderation and take their vitamins. WITH THAT SAID, a really good way to also take of yourself is to NOT SMOKE AND IF YOU DO SMOKE- quit.

There are some in society, who do not practice good healthy living habits, they are overweight, drink too much, and never exercise. We can try to teach, support them. Stress reduction would probally help everyone.

Mario, I know you are a big supporter of fresh veggies, bikes ect., BUT if you have a single mother with three kids, making min. wage, KINDA hard to be buying fresh veggies and getting exercise. JUST WATCH ANY AMERICAN MORNING CRAP SHOW- like Jerry Springer or some other crap to see how the other half live. Trailer parks, poverty, injustice are alive and well in this world. They need health care, deserve it. We have to teach, support, foster, that is so LARGE in the role of nurses today.

AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, if you know a kid, have a kid, try NOT TO LET THEM START SMOKING. TEACH, FOSTER and SUPPORT them. Show them the way....... it is our only hope!

JMP - your trying to cure the headache, but cutting off the head, when you approach smoking like you do. I am well aware of the "other half" as you call it. I may "support" my bicycle by petaling it, but photosynthesis supports veggies, right? :-)

You hafe to ponder why huamns would consume a "hot pocket" that is made in a factory, by a huge machine, they put into a device, and pretend to enjoy eating. Why would a human choosethat over fresh food?

Cigarettes are available, and also cause cancer. No doubt. But you should "protect" us by trying to "stop" them. Can you? Can you do something about cigarettes, or only complain about them, and jeer others who consume them? Do somethng about it and stop bellyaching about their existance!!!!! You have the power. Use it.

Have a coke and a smile. Get that 5th tank feeling. Come to where the flavor is. How do you handle a hungry man...man handlers. Feed ya kids "happy meals" Give them drugs when they get a fever.

Take care everybody!

Some people eat hot pockets, Mario, because in their mind they are fresh food. It is really that simple. There are hoards of uneducated, unenlightened masses out there are watch all the same commericals you apparently watch also.

As far as smoking goes, nothing I said indicates "belly aching" as you so deftly put it. I have strong views about it- you know it- so get over it.

The point WAS that eating, drinking, driving, biking these are all CHOICES we make that derive from necessity. We have to eat to survive, drink something, be it water, Coke or beer, we have to get around somehow, bus, car, bike. BUT WE DO NOT HAVE to smoke. The concept is really quite simple.

As far as health care and health care concepts are concerned, I know you are starting school next fall, so I will wait and have THAT discussion with you sometime in the future.

here we go again.......not my place to judge.....thk goodness

wrightgd-----good thoughts......chukle. thought your name was right guard............

kimberle-------you are never what you weigh...........you are so much more................don't ever, ever let anybody including yourself tell you any different.........

mario-------------keep thinkin.......and not judging...........we all live and we will all die(we are all in this together) dna...thx for the input.......

cascadians.......like your posts.......

renee---------hehehehehehehe for me it is large chef salads....with light to poppy seed salad dressing...........

and now to close,


micro has no faults.........micro in perfect health.............and micro has never, never made mistake...............;-)

Wildhoney: I am NOT a smoker. I would just rather lift a smoker than lift an obese person - not that they can't come in the same package. And didja notice, I did qualify the tobacco thing. We've also managed to refine most of the nutrients out of our sugars and added a bunch of poisons to them as well, such as dyes and phony fats. My point was, and is, that the health choices we make do affect others. Anything we choose to do that impairs our health adds to the cost of health care. All of us have to pay the premiums, whether or not we use the services. We teach our children by example. I would hope that we would not only not smoke around children, but that we would also make wise choices about diet and exercise.

Wow, what a discussion! How much of this would matter if people weren't so worried about living forever? I accept the fact that sooner or later I am going to die. As a result of modern medicine and continuing research it's going to be at an older age than that of my ancestors. And, by the way, let's not forget to include alcoholics and drug addicts who go for treatment and then return to their addictions. Why don't we regulate a "three strikes ,you're out" health law. Insurers would love it cause then they could hold on to all that money we pay when we gamble with them over our health and death. They get to opt out on pre-existing illnesses and maximum output caps for illnesses. Then the taxpayers get stuck for the bills of the poor and uncooperative. There seem to be flaws in the total picture of the why's and wherefore's. In our "free society" I don't feel so free and can only truly control one thing--- ME and my life choices. Let's set up health sanitariums in the desert and send the smokers and obese there to recoup their thought processing. Whatever you can grow, you can eat, drink or smoke. YOUR CHOICE!!

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