Published Jan 16, 2007
adrienurse, LPN
1,275 Posts
Hi I'm here to learn more about this area of nursing because I'm trying to change my nursing specialty and this area interests me. I wonder if it's possible for you to help me with some of the abbreviations some of you use in this forum. I know some may be easy for me to just look up but others may be jargon or unofficial but widely used. It's sometimes hard for an outsider to understand. Not to single anyone out:
We do q 1hr VS, DTR's,I/O on PP pts, on AP PIH also Q1, FHR q 4. I think q4 for the "stable" PTL AP on Mag.
cardiacRN2006, ADN, RN
4,106 Posts
Well, I'm not a OB nurse, but here's what I think.
"""We do q 1hr VS, DTR's,I/O on PP pts, on AP PIH also Q1, FHR q 4. I think q4 for the "stable" PTL AP on Mag. """
We do Q1 hour vital signs deep tendon reflexes I&Os on post partum patients. On ante-partem pregnancy induced hypertension pts, we also do Q1 hour vital signs, Q4 hour fetal heart tones. I think q4 hour for the stable Pre-term labor ante-partem on Magnesium.
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
You are correct, adrienurse. OB is a whole 'nother language!!!:chuckle
We do every one hour vital signs, deep tendon reflexes, intake and output on post partum patients, on ante partum pregnancy induced hypertensives also every one {hour}, Fetal Heart Rate every four. I think every four for the "stable" pre-term labor ante partum on magnesium.
Beat me to it, cardiac!!!!!
Elvish, BSN, DNP, RN, NP
4 Articles; 5,259 Posts
DTRs = deep tendon reflexes (used to check for mag toxicity)
PP = postpartum
AP = antepartum
PIH = pregnancy-induced hypertension
FHR = fetal heart rate (may also see FHTs = fetal heart tones)
PTL = preterm labor
VS and I/O mean the same as anywhere else
It is true that a lot of abbreviations get used that we don't really think about them not making sense to someone who doesn't work in that field. Course, that's probably the case for any field.
Other ones you might see:
NSVD= normal spontaneous lady partsl delivery
VE = vacuum extraction
VBAC = lady partsl birth after cesarean
PDI = post-dates induction
BBO2 = blow by O2 (for babies who need a little help)
AROM/SROM = artificial rupture of membranes/spontaneous rupture
AMA = advanced maternal age (>/= 35 yo)
BF = breastfeeding
FF @ u = fundus firm at umbilicus (also may see u-1,2, etc. meaning that fundus is 1cm below umbilicus)
PROM = premature/preterm rupture of membranes
This is nowhere near exhaustive, but they're what first came to mind. Any additions are welcome. HTH. Good luck in your search for a new job!