NYC homecare nurses?

U.S.A. New York


Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

Any home care nurses from NYC here?

What is it like doing home care in NY? How do you manage with the driving (parking, unsafe neighborhoods etc.)? Do you usually get assigned to patients in the same area or do you have to drive from one end of the city to the other? (Driving 10 city miles could take more time than driving 60 rural miles.) And, in general, what should I know about before considering doing home care in NYC?

Any home care nurses from NYC here?

What is it like doing home care in NY? How do you manage with the driving (parking, unsafe neighborhoods etc.)? Do you usually get assigned to patients in the same area or do you have to drive from one end of the city to the other? (Driving 10 city miles could take more time than driving 60 rural miles.) And, in general, what should I know about before considering doing home care in NYC?

Even though, I am not in the home care system but I have interviewed by home care agency. The nurse supervisor explained to me that home care nurse is like a nurse going to patient's home and try to understand their culture, environment and illness and how it affects their body but less acute care like visiting nurse routine with tubes and stuff...the job that i interviewed stay in the same area and serve a very specific population in NYC. I really know what you need to consider before going to home care ...because that what i am wondering too...Hope that helps :redpinkhe

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