NVCC Spring 2020

U.S.A. Virginia



I started this thread for those that want to chat, brainstorm and encourage each other through the application cycle.

1 hour ago, KayDRN said:

I never heard of waiting for an evaluation request. Nevertheless you should be fine. I would submit your eval request at your 7 week mark into your class. Also go to campus and meet with an advisor. They can look at your unofficial transcript and override the system to register you for BIO 250( I think you meal 150, microbiology). That's what I did last year for one of my classes. But still submit an official transcript anyway. I think you can still submit the transcript once admitted in the school because submitting a transcript and requesting an eval are two different processes. When they get your transcript they will just keep it on file under your name.

Thanks for the response.

Prior to applying for the program I need to have proved that I finished the prereqs, thats my understanding, is it right? This is why i need to have the transcript evaluated.

I might go to the campus sometime this week to sort this out and try to get overridden into bio150.

17 hours ago, KayDRN said:

I have all the requires classes. I am taking micro in the fall because my old micro class has aged out this summer at NVCC's 10 year mark. I just finished AP2.

If you dont mind me asking, how long have you been out of school? I have been out 7 years. The writing class I took was in my freshman year which is 11 years at this point. Do you think I will have to retake the writing class?

1 minute ago, Farz said:

If you dont mind me asking, how long have you been out of school? I have been out 7 years. The writing class I took was in my freshman year which is 11 years at this point. Do you think I will have to retake the writing class?

Im a military spouse so I moved often. I was out of school since 2009 then had my son and took time off. Plus we moved to VA. I started at NVCC in fall of 2017 and retook all my sciences classes. I also took med term and communication. I started with Chemistry because you need it for the program here and for any BSN program. I couldn't remember if I took chemistry in highschool and I couldn't balance an equation before to save my life, lol. But I had a great Chem teacher at NOVA. I then took other classes just to raise my GPA. I was told it would be best to retake A and P to get an A. I previously had a B in both AP 1 and 2. Honestly would take all the science classes over if its been over 5 years since taking them. NOVA has the 10 year policy but other schools have 5 year policy in this area. I wouldn't worry about the other classes if taken a long time ago. Just focus on science courses and TEAS.

I recommend my teachers

Chemistry- Professor Gavish

A&P -Dr. Denise Hunnell

My other classes were online.

On 5/19/2019 at 4:52 AM, Farz said:

So, I only decided to pursue Bursing this past week. I am behind on my planning unfortunately.

I already have a bachelor in public health. I am hoping that most or all of the prereqs will count from my bachelor classses. I confirmed with mec counselors that I dont need to take the SDV course.

the issues is, I cannot go through the evaluation request form until I have a degree program selected. Since I need to apply for my degree program, how else can I get my transcript evaluated, anyone has gone through this?

I signed up for 1 class for the June 8 weeks session so that I am enrolled in 1 credit and hoping to take the microbio course bio250 in fall. But i also cannot sign up for bio250 without having the English prerequisite in the system :(

I am going to start studying for the TEAS tomorrow and hopefully can take it by end of July, anyone has any recommended sites for study materials and/or practice questions?

33 minutes ago, mew7030 said:


Oh wow when did you get this info? I am having such a hard time getting response from CRO OR MECcounselor

Has anyone taken these course: if so can you please tell me the name of the textbook for the class? Also, in your opinion, is it necessary to purchase the book? Based on my previous experience sometimes teachers don't even use required books.

BIO141 AP1

BIO142 AP2

BIO150 intro to microbio

Does anyone know if I have my high school send me a sealed official transcript & send it along to NOVA for transcript evaluation will they accept it or should the high school send it directly to NOVA? Thanks

9 minutes ago, FutureRNMar83 said:

Does anyone know if I have my high school send me a sealed official transcript & send it along to NOVA for transcript evaluation will they accept it or should the high school send it directly to NOVA? Thanks

It's best the evaluation place send it directly to Nova

Does anyone know if NOVA accepts college transcripts electronically from parchment? I attended & graduated college from CT and wanted to submit the official transcripts electronically but I see they only mention they will send transcripts through parchment. Has anyone had NOVA accept electronic transcripts from another state? I know GMU does. Thanks

Yes they do, you have to have the electronic transcript emailed to meccounselor directly for them to consider it official and they will forward to CRO for evaluation

1 hour ago, FutureRNMar83 said:

Does anyone know if NOVA accepts college transcripts electronically from parchment? I attended & graduated college from CT and wanted to submit the official transcripts electronically but I see they only mention they will send transcripts through parchment. Has anyone had NOVA accept electronic transcripts from another state? I know GMU does. Thanks

Yes they do, you have to have the electronic transcript emailed to meccounselor directly for them to consider it official and they will forward to CRO for evaluation

On 5/19/2019 at 4:52 AM, Farz said:

So, I only decided to pursue Bursing this past week. I am behind on my planning unfortunately.

I already have a bachelor in public health. I am hoping that most or all of the prereqs will count from my bachelor classses. I confirmed with mec counselors that I dont need to take the SDV course.

the issues is, I cannot go through the evaluation request form until I have a degree program selected. Since I need to apply for my degree program, how else can I get my transcript evaluated, anyone has gone through this?

I signed up for 1 class for the June 8 weeks session so that I am enrolled in 1 credit and hoping to take the microbio course bio250 in fall. But i also cannot sign up for bio250 without having the English prerequisite in the system :(

I am going to start studying for the TEAS tomorrow and hopefully can take it by end of July, anyone has any recommended sites for study materials and/or practice questions?

So sorry for the late response. You can select the General Studies or Health Science degree while you wait for nursing. They just started the Health Science degree where you can customize your classes to fit for transfer. But in your case that is the best way to get an eval. If you have the required two classes for the application (Bio 141 and Psych 230) then make life easier and take medical terminology online just to get an eval started. Ive taken the class last year but it was the 3 credit class. It was intense because of many test, like 6 a week. But it was at my own pace online. There is also a med term class that is 1 or2 credits as well. I hope you started the process already for evals because it can take up to 8 weeks.

The micro class is micro 150(4 credits). I signed up for it in the fall but Im dropping. I met with an advisor and my micro course from a previous college meets the 10 year mark. I signed up for a Professor that name starts with a Z. I read his reviews on the rate my professor website. Whoever you choose make sure you check the site first for reviews.

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