Nutrition or Business Communication


Trying to decide between Nutrition and Business Communication for spring. I will be pretty busy during the first couple weeks of March which will be weeks 6, 7, and 8. Any suggestions?

Nutrition is total doable with another class. Business Communication is already full, right?

Academic outreach still has places in business communication

Are RN-BSN students allowed to register it?

Specializes in ICU,ER, Radiology, Online education.

I took business communications this past summer in the BSN completion. Easy class as it was over 15 weeks. Took it with Stats and a nursing class. BSN completion business communications is full already

I just finished Nutrition. It is a lot of information. If you get the book with the study guide in the back of the book; it will make your life so much easier. My midterm I didn't have it and got and 80 on the test. The final exam, I memorized all the study guide questions and matching and got a 96%. Without the study guide it would have been bad. I can give you the ISBN for that book if you need. Also, don't forget the tests are proctored!

MSTRN-No I don't think so. I called trying to get into MUS1200 cause it was full before I was allowed to register and I told them the outreach still had openings and they said they didn't think so. I hope I can register earlier next time, but I don't know how that works.

Specializes in ICU,ER, Radiology, Online education.

cheryl9898 I am taking a music class at iowacconline December interecession which has been approved by OU. Tuition good and some

of us on the FB OU site are taking it there.

cheryl9898 I am taking a music class at iowacconline December interecession which has been approved by OU. Tuition good and some

of us on the FB OU site are taking it there.

can you tell me more about it, how long is it and how intensive? I'm not sure I want to stress over the holidays

Specializes in ICU,ER, Radiology, Online education.

I am taking it so I can graduate in May. It is a 4 week class and I have no clue how intensive it is until I start the class. I have a break from nursing classes then and do not want to take anything with my last 3 nursing classes

I took the business communication class in the academic outreach program this past summer. I also took the Ethics course at the same time. The communication class was easy and you could work ahead. I did not like the 15 week format, but since you are able to work ahead, it could easily be finished in less time.

Where are you required to go for the proctored exams? I live in Columbus and do not want to drive all the way to Athens to take a test.

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