Nursing topic groups


I am relatively new to phych nursing and we are expected to lead a nursing topic group. The unit is an adult acute unit. No psychosis, or too many behavioral issues. A lot of depression with SI. Our patients usually have some sort of substance abuse issue whether they know it or not. Any suggestions or experiences for a 45min-1 hour group?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Hmm. This is tough! I'm of the opinion that you should have special training to run groups because it is a lot of work! But I know that this is the real world and we get put into situations we haven't necessarily been 100% trained for. Not saying that this is the case for you, but it's been my experience!

Anyways! Now to answer your question, sorry for the little detour, haha.

I LOVE DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy), even though I am still learning about it. If you can find any resources on that - it can provide for some great groups. There are lots of acronyms and coping skills, which I find very helpful in the population you mentioned.

Depending on your skill and comfort level, you could go lots of directions.

Will you have a co-facilitator or are you running the group by yourself?

How many patients?

Is it expected to be an educational/teaching group or more patient discussion based?

Some groups I have run (with 8-10 patients, by myself or sometimes with a co-facilitator) include Stress Management, Communication Skills, Medication teaching, Relaxation/Sleep Hygiene, and Discharge Planning.

I always start my groups by asking everyone to introduce themselves and answer an 'icebreaker' related to the topic. Ex. What does stress mean to you in one sentence? Or... What is a coping skill to you?

I then give a definition if applicable of stress or communication, etc and give a few minutes to introduce my topic.

Then I do a 'group activity' where I ask the patients to give their thoughts on something. Ex. For stress management I ask them to give examples of positive and negative coping skills.

Then I might do some more teaching if necessary.

Then I ask if they have questions/concerns/things to discuss and try to keep them on topic =)

Then I always close with a question for everybody... What did you take away from this group etc?

Sorry if that was way more info than you asked for!! I get very excited about group therapy =P

Thank you for the info!! I will be doing a bit of research in the things u mentioned. I wish I were excited about groups! I don't have to do the everyday, the other RN and I split it, but I feel so anxious and unprepared. I don't have the specialized training u mentioned and that causes anxiety. I can do the discharge planning group with confidence because it's things I know. And I do the good/bad coping skills group but need more in my tool box than those two topics! Haha! Usually there are 20-28 people in the group and I would be by myself. Thank you for replying and the good info!!

This is the day The Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it.

Specializes in Psych.

We have a nurse led medication group twice a week. I usually harp about compliance. My other favorite groups to do anger management ( I have my own issues, which the patients notice when I want to launch the medication scanner down the hall when it wont work) and coping skills.

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