Nursing Superstitions?

Nurses Humor


What are your nursing superstitions? Here are a few of mine...

- I become paranoid if, during report, someone explicitly states a pt is a "full code" (we don't normally note code status unless a pt is a DNR) OR if there is a leaf magnet in one of our wall bedside chart storage thingies (leaf magnet placed on a pt's door = pt died)

- A doctor turns to me and says, "Keep an eye on him/her" or "Call me if ANYTHING changes"

- I will NEVER say, "Man it's a pretty good/calm/quiet/boring/etc. day today!" until I am clocked out and have left the hospital!

- I work days, not nights, so it's always the day AFTER a full moon that = chaos for me

Don't ask for interesting...within minutes we had about 5 in

q word s word b word is banned

I thought to myself the b word and whatdyaknow.... Psych case comes in

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