Nursing Student / remembering everything from school?


I have just a couple of classes left before I can apply for the RN program. My concern is that I have learned so much in all these classes I have taken, such as Human Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, and now I need to take Microbiology and Physiology.

I just took Human Anatomy last semester, and as demanding as it was, and being bombarded with endless amounts of info, I really found the class interesting. But now that I'm out of the class, I am finding I can't remember half the stuff I learned.

I went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and they have a Health area to go around and learn about everything health wise, as well as taking fun tests. I should have been able to walk in there and told my son, "this means this", and "that means that". I was a complete blank.

Is this normal? Are we really expected to remember everything we learn. That seemed like such an important class and it infuriates me that I can't remember much. My recall is awful.

I am starting to wander if I will make a good nurse. Rn's have to know so much. I think I may have overfilled my brain and it just won't take in anymore info.

What are your thoughts on this? Any advice?

I think once we do get out in the real world as nurses, we tend to forget a lot of the information from school, especially our prereqs. The good thing is that if you find yourself out in the working world and needing that info, you'll only need little reminders, as opposed to learning it all over again. For example, I learned about interpreting blood gas values in nursing school, but I forgot most of it once that class was over. When I started my nurse internship and was studying for the NCLEX, I had to review that, but it wasn't nearly as bad as trying to learn it for the first time. Make sense?

Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.

I thought the same thing. It will come back to you, trust me.

Don't worry. When you start your nursing courses you will be reinforcing everything you learned in those courses and it will all come back to you as well as educate you more on how everything in the pre-classes interact with one another and all will start making sense-usually by your last semester.

You will make a great nurse. Have confidence, study hard, have fun.

Best of luck on your career!


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