Re:Is your maternal grandfather bald?

Nursing Students Student Assist


Is there a scientific evidence that if your maternal grandfather is bald, you'll have 90% chances of getting bald? My husband is only on his

mid 30's and his head is so shiny already. He said he got it from his

maternal grandfather. His father is on his 70's already and still have healthy thick hair. I dont know if it's only a coincidence, but most bald people I know, they said their maternal grandfather was bald too. Do you know anybody??:uhoh3:

Specializes in Critical Care, Cardiothoracics, VADs.

If you need scientific evidence, you may want to try searching the literature via Medline/Pubmed.

Is there a scientific evidence that if your maternal grandfather is bald, you'll have 90% chances of getting bald? My husband is only on his

mid 30's and his head is so shiny already. He said he got it from his

maternal grandfather. His father is on his 70's already and still have healthy thick hair. I dont know if it's only a coincidence, but most bald people I know, they said their maternal grandfather was bald too. Do you know anybody??:uhoh3:

Tell your husband not to feel too husband is 25 and is getting a nice bald spot.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

My husband is 26 and balding and very hairy. Hubby's dad is NOT balding and normal hairy. Hubby's maternal grandfather was very hairy (same pattern of hairiness as my husband) and began to bald at about the same age as my husband. Hubby's brother is not balding, but not very hairy. I've read somewhere that men with lots of body hair have increased testosterone which also results in early male-pattern baldness.

I've read that baldness is an X-linked recessive trait- so it it actually inherited maternally. Men who have a lot of body hair and are balding don't usually have excess testoserone. They may have a high rate of DHT conversion, or have a large number of DHT receptors on their hair follicles. The same is also true for hirsute women with pattern loss of scalp hair.

My Maternal Grandfather has a full head of curly hair, but my dad is bald. I have a full head of curley hair. My dad had straight/wavy hair.

Now... I wait anxiously... even though everyone tells me I have nothing to worry about.

Yes, I'm a male nurse. Starting in 2 months.

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