Ok, a bit of a rant/pet peeve, but....
IS there a facility in this country at which I can seek employment that does not require me wandering the halls for a good hour of my time searching for the one working (fill-in-the-blank: thermometer, blood pressure machine, wheelchair for discharge, etc....)
sheesh. talk about wasting time here folks! down here in florida it's reeeeally bad! my sister worked at an ER in sarasota where there was one thermometer for the entire ED.....that was not a small hospital...her section alone had twelve beds, and there were *several* sections. They all had to fight for the one thermometer, hiding it from each other, etc. My hospital literally did have about three wheelchairs in the entire facility....i've discharged patients up to an hour and a half after the time they were completely cleared to go because i had to go to several other floors to find one wheelchair....of course, facility policy says the patient can't just get up and walk downstairs....
anyone work in a paradise with adequate equipment? :chuckle