Nursing school residency requirements


Hi. I am trying to get into Aspen University Texas nursing program. During orientation they said that according to Texas BON, that I would have to move within 50 miles of their location once I start the cohort.  I live about 100 miles away. Has anyone heard of this requirement? 

Haven't heard of it and see no mention of it with either UTA or WGU in Texas. Hell, WGU is having some people from California come to the state for clinicals. 

Didn't find it on a cursory search of the BON site.


The only mention of "50 miles" I find is Aspen's own brochure saying clinicals may be at a facility within 50 miles of their own campus. 

Specializes in Dreamer.

I would contact the school and clarify. That is certainly something you would want to have cleared up as soon as possible. 

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