Published Jan 17, 2007
3 Posts
I'm hoping to be accepted into an associate's degree program of nursing in 2008. I am with child and due in March of 2007, and also have 5 year old twins. Here are a few questions.
If I take pre-requisite courses before the program starts, would this mean the school days of the nursing program will be shorter?
I took advanced placement classes in high school and was on the dean's list the first and only year i attended college. Should I expect to do well? English has always been my best subject and I'm very good at memorizing.
This question is for women who attended nursing school while pregnant, or with young children. What was it like?
What is a typical day as an RN in a hospital? What does an RN do for a patient exactly?
Can RNs choose where to work, like in labor and delivery, or are they assigned?
Thanks very much,
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,599 Posts
Well I will try and answer as many of your questions as I can. I am a last semester nursing student not an RN yet.
Taking the gen ed classes (english, ethics, math, A&P I and II, Microbiology... etc) will greatly decrease your work load, as a matter of fact it is almost immpossible for you to take regular classes plus nursing classes and do well, especiallly if you work or have children to care for. Most nursing programs will not even acept students who do you have most of the gen ed classes done. Just make sure you do well as programs take a good look at your GPA before you can get in and in some schools the competition is fierce.
The important thing about doing well in nursing is not to memorize things, but understand how and why they happen.
RNs assess patients and care for them as a whole person, give medications, start IVs, speak with doctors when problems arise or just to update them, fill out lots of paperwork :), and many other things.
RNs can choose what area they wouldl like to specialize in, it is just a matter of finding the right job.
hope this helps
Altra, BSN, RN
6,255 Posts
I highly recommend that you spend some time volunteering in a hospital or shadowing a nurse for a day or so to learn more about nursing as a career, before you make a significant emotional & financial investment in nursing school.
Good luck to you. :)