Published Jul 15, 2015
10 Posts
Hello everyone! I am finishing my pre-req's to attend nursing school. I am a mother of 3 older children (2 teens and 1 tween) and 1 younger (1 year old). I was just seeking some perspective on how to go about doing this successfully with having a younger baby. I would really love to hear from those who were able to pull it off and hear what challenges they faced and what routes they took to succeed through out the process. I am super nervous going into all of this at 35, but I genuinely feel that this is my calling. I want to thank in advance all that responds to this!!.. so... THANKS :)
174 Posts
TIME MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT SYSTEM!!!!! I am entering my 3rd semester of my ADN program. I have a 2 year old and a 7 year old and there is NO WAY I would have been able to do this without my husband and friends. Kids get sick, someone has to stay home with them. My husband has missed a few days from work with my toddler because I cant miss more than 2 clinicals. Dont wait until the last minute to study. Read a little bit everyday. Its going to be hard to catch up if you fall behind. It is a ton of information. Make sure you schedule in some "me" time and family time. I have developed a routine thats worked for me and my family. I dont work so I have more time to study. I study after clinical and class and during the day when the kids are in school/daycare. In between study breaks, I make an attempt to do house work. Pick up the kiddies around 430 ish. I start dinner around 530. We play while dinner is cooking. Eat around 7. Take baths and good night house by 830!!! It's doable. Just have to find out what works for you. Good luck to you and congrats!!!
Nurse Malone
18 Posts
It's definitely doable. Stressful yes, but definitely doable and rewarding! Have a great support system/team. My husband deployed quite a few times so I had the help of my Pastor, friends, and emails/phone calls from my husband. He even helped with my drug cards when he was home :0) and put me on a bed time curfew b/c I was staying up till midnight trying to study, went to a study help class at school and learned to stop at a decent time & stop trying to make up time for taking care of my family. We have families, it comes with the territory, but they've got our backs no matter what, & hubby is a whole lot more helpful when we allow them to ;0)
Thank you!!! We are also military too. I really appreciate the feedback! I was starting to get worried that I'm going to be in over my head and that it wasn't going to work out right 😥
We are military also!!!! So I know what it's like holding down the fort. We are superwomen!!! Lol
49 Posts
It's hard. I won't lie. I have a three and a half year old and I'm going into my fourth semester. I have managed to maintain all A's and B's as well. I have an awesome support system that without, I would have failed out in the first semester. My husband works so I don't have to and between the two grandma's, the baby is always well-taken care of.
What isn't so easy to get around is the infamous mommy-guilt. I was a stay at home mom before I started school so my daughter had 100% of my attention and time. Not being around and missing out on things is really hard to get over. I know it's what's best for my family and her future but that doesn't make it any easier.
Take a deep breath and one day at a time. It's absolutely do-able.
Thanks guys! Yes definitely super women lol
Yes ma'am, Superwoman, that's our other title, lol! That was just LPN school, now that I'm an RN student I've kept the same things I learned the last time & I'm in bed by 10pm now. I've done well on school thus far & will be starting my clinical by October, so I'm excited about that. Yes HistoKonstantine the mommy guilt gets really hard to deal with at times, I feel you there. My baby is now 15 & I find myself wanting to be more involved with her & her activities as well. So far I've been able to make it all work. Would I do it all a heartbeat! You got this girl!
Thank you!! The confidence is much appreciated