Published Oct 7, 2014
26 Posts
So here is my story
I graduated years ago with my bachelors with a horrendous undergrad gpa. The past few years I went to Community College of Philadelphia and so far have an A in Nutrition, A in A&P 1, A in Microbiology & an A in Intro to Psych & an A in Dev Psych. I have a B in Algebra 2.
I still need to take A&P 2 & Chemistry. This semester I am taking two other pre req classes. I feel that due to a crappy undergrad gpa that I will not get accepted to any BSN programs. I am seriously incredibly worried and do not know what to do. I am working hard and really truly want to be a nurse. I feel like that is where I belong. Years ago I was young and dumb and did not take school seriously.
My undergrad gpa is below a 2.5. However my gpa now is well over a 3.0. Will any bsn nursing schools give me a chance or am I doomed? It seems on all websites that my undergrad gpa should have at least been a 2.75 which I do not have.
I would love to hear others stories and receive some insight about this. I am even considering looking at nursing schools out of state.
Thanks !
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
Unfortunately, we can't really answer that question for you. It completely depends on the admissions dept at the institution you're applying to whether you're a suitable candidate or not.
Some schools only look at your pre-req GPA, some your cumulative, some both. You'll need to find a program that suits your situation. Was your bachelor's earned quite a long time ago? That may have some bearing, if you're an older student.
Good luck to you! :)
283 Posts
I have to agree with the previous comment. Call the program where you're going to apply and talk with someone about your concerns. GPAs can be less important. And again, they may look at your current GPA, as oppose to an older one. I think wherever you go, you should speak directly with an advisor to make sure you understand their requirements.