nursing and s e x

Nurses General Nursing


I know this may seem like a strange question, but has working as a nurse negatively affected your sex life? Since you are caring for people physically and also seeing alot of sick people, do you get home and feel like you don't want anyone near you? I ask this, because I know that after I had my children and taking care of them that is how I felt alot of the time. Curious to hear you responses.

Originally posted by babs_rn

The only effect it has had on that is the matter of my physical availability for said activity....(worked a lot of night shifts, often didn't cross paths with my SO for several days at a time)....

HEAR! HEAR!! ditto for me!!

I'm not a nurse yet...but you mentioned having kids and I have to say that when I breastfed for the first time, it seemed as if the baby had not actually left my body. You could just see her from the outside instead hehe. I didnt want to be touched, it was quite physically demanding it seemed but I got over it.

Originally posted by Mama Val

Before I got married and was having sex....

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Specializes in Hospice specialty.

Im a still a student but heres a funny but embarrasing story. When I was in Med Surg 1 and we were learning about male anatomy we had to know every thing. Well, me and my hubby were getting "ready" I wasnt turned on, rather I was examining it amazed i could "See" certain things from the outside of the member. He caught on quick LOL~ Boy was he mad! Another time he told me i can use him as a model to study for my test. LOL he sure did sqiurm when i told him i need to know what was inside and therefore would need a speciman cut open. Needless to say, he didnt offer that again and i was able to study for my test without being bugged for sex!

Yeah, its the LAST chore of the day. Then, and only then, can I rest.

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