Thanks! 2 New Jobs Now!!

Nurses Job Hunt


Just sending a quick thanks to everyone who helped me in this forum. I consider the resume help I got in this forum as a major factor in my new employment! I have actually been called for an interview for all but 3 of the several positions I applied for. As a new grad in a city saturated with nursing schools, that's huge! I accepted 2 positions, each at a premier, magnet hospital in the area!

I received compliments on my resume from a few nurse managers and recruiters. In addition, I found the thread here on common interview questions to be accurate and so useful. It's all been such a blessing. I graduated in the summer, took my NLCEX in September and am now employed at 2 sought-after hospitals. So, a million times, THANK YOU!! :)


I am a struggling nursing graduate with no nursing related experience who has been out of school for almost 2 years. I really appreciate it if you can create a new thread on how to write a resume or if you have threads you suggest to be helpful. Thanks in advance.

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