nursing recruitment and retainment


Specializes in Critical Care.

I work in a small rural hospital in NY and we've had awful staffing issues due to nursing shortage. We are trying to come with ideas for recruitment and retaining nurses. Any one have any suggestions, what do your hospitals do...if anything? What would you want?

Specializes in Critical Care,Recovery, ED.

Ideally the answer is simple. Adequate staffing (at all levels) for the patients. Appropriate wage and benefits for the professional staff. Small rural hospitals need to realize that no matter how far from the "big city" they are, they still need to compete with those institutions for professional staff. It is going to take money. Both directly and indirectly.

If you can't get a major commitment for the allocation of capital to these problems, no amount of short term perks, e.g. like an allowance for maid service, will help.

If only recruitment would get their act together!

I applied to NYC hospitals as a new grad open to take a position in any unit (though I did state a preference for a unit that I have health related experience in). I graduated in the top five of an Accelerated BSN program and am very quick and capable. (Not to brag, just to prove a point)

It seems that many (though I hope not all) recruitment offices are disorganized and sloppy. Some offices lost my faxed in resume, others say it takes several weeks to review it... These are all nice ways to make a potential candidate lose interest in a facility.

As much as I put time and effort into putting together an impeccable resume and cover letter, why cant these facilities even acknowledge receipt of an application. One recruiter excused her disorganization by saying "We get hundred of applications a week". Then why the heck are you in a severe shortage?!?! Apparently this place does a great job turning nurses way BEFORE they even get an interview!

Just my two cents after a frustrating day dealing with recruitment.

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