nursing ratios


1. Id like to know how nurses feel? Do you believe nursing meets the criteria of being a profession? why?

2. Do you think staffing ratios enhance patient care and/or nursing practice? Why or why not?


Aren't all jobs professions? Not really sure what you are looking for with question 1.

I am not a nurse yet, but I work with them. I think that ratios enhance care. When nurses are overloaded, they simply can't provide as much care as if they weren't overloaded.

Would you rather have someone caring for you who had the time to address all your issues or someone that was in a hurry and didn't have time?

Specializes in ICU.

nursing is a profession although there are some that think we are glorified hired help. nursing ratios are set by the pencil heads (hospital accountants) and have little to nothing to do with patient accuity which is the biggest oversight of the profession. fix that and we can go about our craft in the way we were meant to. :smokin:

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.
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