Nursing Photographer? Also, NCLEX question

Nurses General Nursing


Well, I just passed the NCLEX. All I got was a small letter from Pearson-Vue... No framable certificate? No card? No nothing? If that's all there is, then that's kind of lame for $300...

Taking the NCLEX was a deal I made with my parents. But, I have no desire to practice as a nurse, not even as a "backup" as many people have mentioned. I promised my parents I'd pass it so I took it and did.

Now I'm pursuing what I actually want to do (photography) professionally and am loving it. I was wondering if it were possible to combine my expertise... Do hospitals hire photographers on staff? I figured being an RN certainly wouldn't hurt my resume. I'd love to photo surgeries, wounds, babies (and for the babies that die, I figure parents would like GOOD photos to remember them by, not point-and-shoot, blurry, off-color, horrible photos by someone who can't even hold the camera steady). ... ever heard of or seen a hospital photographer? ...or do hospitals normally outsource temporarily for stuff like that?

Thanks :)

Specializes in Tele.

I have a good idea for you!!!!!!!!!

You could be the photographer for the nursing magazines, just like "advanced for nurses" etc. etc.

but like the previous thread, you finished the RN degree, you have your license--- now go and do what you dream of doing!!!!!!!

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