Any Online school accept Unaccredited ASN?

Nursing Students Online Learning


Looking to enroll into RN-BSN Program. My ASN degree isn't accredited but I was able to sit for boards.

Is there any online class what would accept my RN license and my ASN degree.

Any other students obtain their degree from an unaccredited school but were able to enroll into BSN program?

Thanks in advance.

Im looking into Chamberlain but not sure if they will accept.

Specializes in ER.

What state? I know Ohio University would have accepted my community college if they had not earned their ACEN/NLNAC accreditation back.

To be fair, it isn't that it is not accredited, it is just not nationally accredited by either ACEN or CCNE (CCNE does not accredit associate or diploma programs). If it was not accredited, your state would not have accepted it.

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