I am so often (almost continually) frustrated at work by all the people that feel they can delegate to nursing or dictate how we do our thing. One of our docs treats us as "her" nurses, and refers to us as such to patients. If equipment is in the room she will write an order for us to pull it from the drawers, and leave rather than get it out herself. She is BUSY you know!
RT dept, maintenance dept and materials dictate what we keep in our crash cart and where we put everything. Doesn't matter that the nurses who work in the dept all agree that items we use most often should be easier to access. Their order sheet is listed like so, and thats how they want the supplies stored. And why should they go to the trouble of changing their sheet because the nurses want to change something?
Our thermometers are routinely 2-3 degrees off, we have only one that is accurate. We steal BP cuffs from another unit, and pharmacy crabs that our narcotic count is sometimes not in temporal order, but the Pyxis has been sitting unprogrammed for months.
Yes, the NM is aware of all this, yes she promises to do something about it, but the lag time between promises and action means there is more building up (for me) than is getting solved. I'm trying to look at it as a challenge- how much can I get done safely without optimum equipment, but it is wearing on me.
I LOVE the people I work with, I'm not thinking of leaving, but does anyone have a different mind set to approach this from? Of course, a little co-venting is great to hear too!