Nursing in Italy

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I wanted to get some informaiton on moving to Italy as a Nurse. It has been a dream of mine to own a home and work in this country. I want to make my dreams come true. I was wondering if anyone knows what I need to do to make this happen for my family. I will be finishing my education in California and then I would like to move. The only reason why I stayed so long in California was because of my MOM. My mother passed away on July 20, 2007 and her funeral will be this Friday. She wanted me to become a Nurse and live my dreams. I took care of her in her last days. I loved caring for her and I know I would enjoy working with others. I know people can be extremely diffcult, but I know that I can handle this line of work. I want to start making plans for myself and kids. I'm a single mom. I know that anything is possible with alot of hard work. In my younger years I lived in Brindisi Italy and raised to of my children Andranii and Cinzia. Cinzia was born in Brindisi!! I love the people and the lifestyle. I also would like to have a home in California. I was raised in California and Love It. If anyone can give me some advice about what I need to do I would appreciate it.


So sorry to hear about your mother, I am sure that it has been hard on you.


Now to answer your questions:

First, I need to pose one to you. What type of schooling did you have for your RN license here? You will need the BSN for immigration purposes to be able to get a visa to work there. A two year degree will not be accepted for licensure or immigration purposes there.

You are also going to need to pass their language exams, as well as their licensure exam in Italian. Not sure how fluent that your language skills are at this point in time.

And you may find it harder to get the visa if you do not have a EU passport. It is much harder to get a visa there right now as an American.

If you take the time to do a search here, you will find a thread that has links to the licensing venues for nurses there.

Best of luck to you.:balloons:

Specializes in trauma, ortho, burns, plastic surgery.

ciao cara, as i told you i really want to help you

so in order to have a global image about, look a little bit at...

places in italia that hiring nurses (us much as i know now but i could find many others) are listed on the bottom. you can try to contact them and ask about the possibility to start to work with them

- roma: santa lucia fundation, sant-andrea hospital, policlinico umberto i

- torino: morinette hospital

salary: 156 hours minimum contract, brut salary 1730, after taxes 1300 euro

after hours saturday sunday, not more than 40 hours, but "negotiable" ...loooooooool

maximum salary around 2000 euro. all in all in your hand working hard more hours after negotiation 2500 euro around.

if you find an us hospital there you can change the condition. so for this i propose you to contact for all others requirements

consociazione nazionale delle associazioni infermiere - infermieri

via trebbia, 9 milano 20135 italy

tel: + 39 02 5832 5428

fax: + 39 02 5832 5428

email: [email protected]


look on their site could help you for sure.

my idea is to contact a english speaker head of nurses and explain her your situation for sure that she will give you the best advices. professor sansoni speek english, try to contact her.

president of association and official delegate: ms santina bonardi (french speaking)

email: [email protected]

[email protected]

deputy delegate: prof julita sansoni (english speaking)

mailing address:

prof. julita sansoni

dipartimento sanità pubblica università "la sapienza"

i-0185 rome - italy

tel: + 39 06 495 9255

fax: + 39 06 495 9255

mobile: + 39 339 648 0348

email: [email protected]

hope that this help you a little bit to make an idea about. still try to find all papers for you cara.

tanti auguri per tutto! and put a wish for zuzi when you will be a la fontaine! hugs and kisses love!

Specializes in ICU,cardiac surgery, orthopaedia.

i'm afraid that going to work as a nurse in Italy isn't a good idea.

first of all , salary's not so much as in usa (1200-max 1800 euro) an to rent the house is rather expensive (depending on the city- from 500to800 euro for 50m3):o

it's expencive to live, to do anything, the only thing is that the contry is a very beautiful. i've lived here for 8 yers but i'd like to leave for some another country, cause every year it becomes harder to live 'cause you eat everything you earn :madface:.

:welcome:come here for your holidays ;) to have some fun :balloons:

but not to professional grow up :uhoh3:

Hello Selly,

Thank you so much for the reply. I'm sorry to hear about how expensive this country is getting. I lived in Brindisi, Italy for almost five years and I loved every moment. I even had a daughter in Brindisi her name is Cinzia. I love this country to death. I love the food, people and shopping. I wanted to become a Nurse all of my life and now that my kids are getting older I wanted to do some traveling as a Nurse. I still would like to do some traveling in the United States, because I haven't seen all of the states. I also wanted to do some international travel and hopefully take some courses so I can learn how to speak the language better. I want my family to see this part of Europe. Italy is so wonderful. I do know from experience that living in the southern part was a lot cheaper. I just want to buy a small villa and be able to come and visit when I want to. I have been dreaming this for years and I think I will be able to live that dream. Do you know of any websites that I can look at on buying or renting to own in Italy. Please write me again. Are you currently living there? Talk to you soon Carla

Specializes in ICU,cardiac surgery, orthopaedia.

hello carveronica,

i'm not an italian, but live in italy for 8 years already. unfortunately the situation got worse in these years so as finansially as politically.

i've lived at south ( naples) moving progressively north these years ;) : modena, then finally trento, in the alpes. it's very beautiful here ( the only my consolation).

this is a beautiful country, exellent food and alimentary traditions, splendid places to visit all over the country both south and north, but it gets very harder living here every year, less work and same salary with growing prices. i think this also happens all over the world, or maybe i'm wrong?

here are some links to research servers you asked me ( just to give you an idea of prices of different cities, but they are in italian...) hope you know it well ;)^1^^^^OA^^^^^A^^^^^CIT^c^^^^l20^^^^^^^^^^

you can also find information with google e.g." casa brindisi", but stay aware contacting someone, you may be fished easily :trout: and lost your money, be very careful, particulary at south regions!!

write me if you need some information, i'll respond you as soon as possible

bye, iryna

P.S. is it very difficult to practice nursing with foreign diploma in USA? i've graduated from italian university after three years studies

Specializes in ICU,cardiac surgery, orthopaedia.

P.P.S. what is the medium salary at USA after taxes? thanks

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