100% Safety needle/less!!! Finally

Nurses Safety


The hospital I work for just began implementing 100% safety sharps! Does anyone else work at a facility or in home care that also uses 100% safety devices? :)

100% safety devices does this mean your hosp. has also converted to safety guards on all sharps?(or just needles) including, Scalpels, suture needles, arrows for Art. lines, you get the picture, my hosp. is in the process of going to protective guards for ALL SHARPS.We have had protected needles for some time now, as well as a needless system.

the last hospital I worked used them. Where I currently work we are in the process if implementing needleless IV stuff. The only thing I have found to not work well for me is drawing blood. I have always drawn through the needle and with the retractable needles you can't but you can draw by attaching the syringe to cath. Just another step and can be messy sometimes. Everything else I like.


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