Published Apr 11, 2016
1 Post
Hello all,
I am looking for a nurse to interview for my nursing class. I would only need you to answer a few questions about your experience as a nurse and some other questions about nursing school. If there is anyone who is interested in helping me out I would greatly appreciate the effort.
Thank you,
Chantel A.
Prosepective NP
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
Welcome to AN! There are some downsides to attempting to do an interview here- you have no way to verify that anyone is what they claim to be. There are numerous opportunities to look for nurses in your area to sit down and chat with- your own provider's office, the local school nurse, the local public health nurse, calling facilities to see if they know of anyone who could help you with this.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Moved to Nursing Student Assistance forum