Nursing International Experience


Hello to all!

I am a Portugueese woman nurse and i'll like to have a international experience in my career. I've 6 years experience in intensive cares unit and 8 years of dialisis. So i'll like to ask:

1. What are the best countrys that provides the best conditions to develop my skills?

2. I heard that Dubai is a great place to work and they offer great conditions to work. its true?

3. And the last one. What salarys and packages they usualy offer to the foregner nursery workers like me?

Thanks to all!!


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Hello to all!

I am a Portugueese woman nurse and i'll like to have a international experience in my career. I've 6 years experience in intensive cares unit and 8 years of dialisis. So i'll like to ask:

1. What are the best countrys that provides the best conditions to develop my skills?

2. I eard that Dubai is a great place to work and they offer great conditions to work. its true?

3. And the last one. What salarys and packages they usualy offer to the foregner nursery workers like me?

Thanks to all!!


Welcome to the site

Do you have an preference to country?

US is currently in retrogression so looking at approx 5 years from finding an employer and they file I140 and that does not include going through RN process will take approx 12 months that includes sitting and passing NCLEX the US nursing exam. Canada you will need to meet the provinces requirements and pass CRNE which is only done 3 times a year and only in Canada. EU you will need to apply to that countries governing body and any requirements they may have. Middle East will have to meet their requirements and find an employer. There is a thread in the International forum on the Middle East. You can find the International forum under the local tab near the top of the page

hi, im an arab american im currently working in saudi arabia in jeddah. actually im a new grad and i chose to work in the middle east because the life is laid back and the experience is great.. plus there are alot of expats that come to work here because the pay for foriengers is great and you can save alot of money unless your a shopaholic ;) however saudi does have some restrictions concerning the culture but its always great to have new experiences...and you can easily adabt. dubai is great but its very expensive to live there if you are planning to move to save some money and the traffic is crazy. you also have other countries in the gulf liek qatar or kuwait but i dont know how the system is there but pretty much the gulf is all the same regarding lifestyle... good luck! hope my input helped!

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