Published Jan 13, 2017
1 Post
I am an online South University student and I need a MSN Nursing Informatics Preceptor. I have been attempting to locate one for about 18 months now and no luck. I live in Austin, TX and I would appreciate any help.
Buyer beware, BSN
1,139 Posts
Well, looks like South University strikes again.
Preceptors of any ilk as you have found out are very hard to get. You've had 18 months to find one and I'm sure the school has been diligently working behind the scenes to help you pay it forward.
Why a for-profit school expects any teacher to educate their students for free is what the Yiddish word chutzpah is all about my friends. High tuition, terrible graduation and retention rates and no affiliations with the preceptor community sounds like a winning combination to me. (
At this juncture I would advise you to read the particulars of the arbitration agreement you signed as a condition of enrollment. In other words read it and weep. Maybe there's still hope but in situations like this it's better to let hope take care of itself and get it in writing from the get-go.
Neats, BSN
682 Posts
Well this maybe late but I encourage you to be part of your state Nurse Board. Look for insurance companies to work, you may have better luck. Buyer Beware....although this summary of your situation is more than likely appropriate, it is not helpful with your situation at this time. I would go to smaller clinical and insurance companies. Also look at Health Departments, although these may not pay the experience will assist you getting your foot in the door. Hope this helps you