Published Jul 8, 2009
rninformatics, DNP, RN
1,280 Posts
An opportunity from ANI:
ANI Nursing Informatics Emerging Leaders Program
The Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI) is a collaboration of
organizations that represent a unified voice for nursing informatics.
ANI provides the synergy and structure needed to advance the efforts of
nursing informatics professionals in improving the delivery of patient
One of ANI's objectives is to identify leadership, provide mentorship,
and encourage nursing informatics participation in national nursing
informatics activities. As part of this objective, ANI is launching the
ANI Nursing Informatics Emerging Leaders Program. The program is
designed to enhance the leadership skills and competencies of
individuals in the following key areas:
* Communication and networking
* Strategic planning
* Negotiation and persuasion
* Leading and managing change
The program is envisioned to identify and develop emerging leaders in
nursing informatics and involve them in a two-year program to learn
about their own leadership potential, identify opportunities for
professional growth, and gain knowledge and experience necessary to
serve nursing informatics practice and/or policy. The ultimate goal of
the program is to develop a leader who is able to take a national
leadership position in an informatics-related organization.
In 2009, ANI will identify two individuals to participate in the
program. Components of the program include attendance at ANI governing
director meetings, participating at the AMIA Annual Symposium and the
HIMSS conference, and the completion of a nursing informatics leadership
project. The selected individuals will be paired with a mentor in
nursing informatics for dialogue and coaching during the two-year
program. Mentors will be selected by the ANI governing directors based
on the proposed leadership project and will be expected to provide
feedback and guidance throughout the process.
Eligibility - The program is open to individuals who hold mid-level
positions in informatics, working in health services organizations,
public health organizations and systems, nursing education, or
information system corporations. Applicants must have permanent
residency in the U.S. or its territories and be a member in good
standing of one of the ANI member organizations. Applicants must hold a
Bachelor's degree, a Master's degree is preferred and have 3-5 years of
experience in informatics.
Application - Interested individuals should submit a letter of support
from their home institution that includes a statement supporting the
individual's participation in the program. Individuals must be able to
support the travel costs required to attend the component activities
(these fees can be supported by the individual or the individual's home
institution and such support should be specified in the letter). AMIA
and HIMSS have agreed to waive the registration fees for the individual
to attend the two annual events.
In addition to this letter, applicants should submit up to a two-page
description of a topic of interest for their proposed leadership
project. The description should contain the necessary elements to
describe the topic as well as the applicant's interest in developing
additional skills in this area.
Selection - Individuals will be selected for the program based on a
demonstrated professional history of increasing leadership
responsibility; who possess the potential to have a substantial impact
on the field of nursing informatics through health care policy, health
system innovations, informatics education, or informatics research; and
have the ability to sustain involvement and devote the time for study
and interaction in the program. It is anticipated that the time
commitment for activities will be a few hours each month and will be
determined by the mentee/mentor pair. We anticipate that activities
will include readings, e-mail, phone calls, in-person meetings etc. and
will vary widely on a monthly basis.
Program Components and Presentation - In addition to attendance at the
ANI governing directors meetings, AMIA annual symposium and HIMSS
conference, the individual will write an article for CIN on the program
experience and will present the final project to the ANI governing
directors held in conjunction with the AMIA annual symposium during the
fall of year two. The mentor and mentee will provide quarterly updates
to the ANI governing directors on the progress of the program. The
mentor and mentee also agrees to serve as a potential resource for the
next incoming group of emerging leaders.
Application Deadline - September 30, 2009. Completed applications
should be sent by e-mail to Karen Greenwood ([email protected]).
5 Posts
Hopefully I will eventually be able to apply for such an exciting program. Thanks for the info.