Published Aug 27, 2011
17 Posts
hi everyone:
I am going to start my first RN job this Monday in a nursing home (sub-acute unit). just wandering how is this different than the hospitals setting, what kind of work does a nurse do most in a nursing home? any comments will help, thanks!
69 Posts
Hi chenq1988
I just wanted to tell you congratulations! and good luck with your job :)
Hospice Nurse LPN, BSN, RN
1,472 Posts
These links should get you started. Congrats on the new job!
85 Posts
I'm new grad too. I work at a post acute center, what is the nurse and pt. ratio? that is the main thing. I have up to 32 pts. depending on the shift and up to 50 for NOC shift. I think it is hard work but it can be done, with a lot of over time:eek: or 'short cuts":down:. I do the over time to finish my charting up to 2 hours a day at times:yawn:, but I would rather do that. The DONs don't like that but I don't care. I'm very stressed out when I'm there. Good luck.
5 Posts
i agree with the above statement. i worked LTC/rehab for a year before moving to the hospital setting. you will be overworked but will learn A LOT. it was a great first job. you get exposed to many different types of meds, many types of conditions, and you are able to get great prioritization skills. but you must remember that your lisence is on the line so no shortcuts, thats one of the reason i left LTC, just too much to do in too little time and you are held accountable 100% and its so stressful and you are usually short staffed. well stick with it for a year and then you can get a job in the hospital setting...fewer hours and you can boost your med/surg skills. i am on a med/surg unit now. GOOD LUCK!!!!