Published Aug 28, 2013
1 Post
Hi just recently graduated from Nursing school with ADN and passed the Nclex. I know Texas Medical Center near downtown is out of question for ADNs, but anyone know any nursing homes or maybe small to midsize clinics that need entry level RNs? Need to start on the bottom and work my way up to the top.
Also anyone recommend any nursing headhunter services around Houston?
My advantages are: bilingual: Chinese Mandarin, Had a previous college degree in Business, worked previously in health care insurance industry.
My disadvantages: Have not worked in a couple years because of nursing school, no experience in actual health care industry.
Any comments and suggests will be greatly appreciated,
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
Hmm - with your language skills, have you checked in with any of the "language line" medical interpreter services? It may not be a steady job, but could bring in some extra cash while you're looking for a nursing job. You may want to obtain certification as a medical interpreter....PREREQUISITES | The National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters this is one advantage that is certainly not open to many other new grads and may give you an advantage. Have you focused in on clinics & physician offices in areas with large Asian populations? You may also want to check with public health department - another area in which your language skills could be a huge advantage.
No one uses professional recruiters (headhunters) for entry level new grad jobs. These services are very expensive, and reserved only for management, executive and very hard to fill positions.