Years ago, (starting in 3rd grade), I had gone through this "phase" for lack of a better word, where I would faint whenever I had fillings done at the dentist's, the eyedoctor's (contact lense fitting), or having blood taken. I would also get very lightheaded if I was around people who had tubes in them, etc.
I think the last time I actually fainted was about 7 years ago when I was having a wisdom tooth extracted, and I actually passed out before they had gotten me completely under anesthesia so they had to wake me up and start again........I don't even have any recollection other than feeling like I was going to vomit and then nothing.........
Anyway, years have passed, and I have taken care of my friend who is epileptic, during a seizure, and given my diabetic dog shots of insulin ( which I realize is no big deal, but years ago, I would have fainted by these things) and at some point decided that I wanted to be a nurse. Realistically I am probably better suited for certain types of nursing rather than med surg nursing but......I figured if I could get through clinicals, I should be fine.
(I am interested in Psych nursing at this time)
I am now in my first semester of nursing school and have yet to even take a clinical class; however, during a recent lecture, I almost fainted right where I was sitting. The teacher was showing a picture of parenteral and enteral tube feedings, and the more she talked about it, the dizzier I got until I was actually sweating and almost seeing when I used to have blood taken from me.
So now, my dilemma is......if I cannot seem to sit through CLASS without feeling like this, HOW will I get through clinicals??? Not to mention that it is pretty bad if your nurse falls to the floor as you are in need of some emergency procedure.
I am sure that right away, everyone will suggest that perhaps I find another field for a career; however, I really do want to be a nurse. I am empathatic, nurturing, caring and intelligent. I feel that if I could just get over this "glitch", I would make a really good nurse, and I am not ready to just give up yet.
I am thinking that if I get desensitized to stuff that makes me feel like fainting, then at some point it might just stop?
Any advice is welcome.
Sorry so long..........