nursing employment agencies


Hi everybody. I live in a small town close to Orangeburg, S.C. having moved from another state and was wondering whether there are any employment agencies for CNAs in Orangeburg. There does not seem to be any. I am looking to work private care but all the agencies seem to be in Columbia. I would also like to know which place is better to live in - Charleston or Columbia in terms of public transportation, jobs, cosmopolitan etc.?


I grew up in Columbia so Id say transportation wise that might be better. All the streets are fairly straight and there is a bus line. But as for ambiance Charleston all the way. It's like a maze though and it takes about a year to get yourself confident enough to venture out.

I'm not sure what you mean about agency? You mean an employment service? How about the state employment security commission?

South Carolina Employment Security Employment Services


555 Middleton Street, N.E.

Post Office Drawer 1486

Orangeburg, South Carolina 29115

Beverly Hopkins

(803) 534-3336

That's a start.

Hi P_RN. Thanks for the info about Columbia. Thanks too for the State employment agency's address. I will try it. We had, in Seattle, nursing employment agencies which were privately owned - not State and they got you jobs and paid really well.

Hi everybody. I live in a small town close to Orangeburg, S.C. having moved from another state and was wondering whether there are any employment agencies for CNAs in Orangeburg. There does not seem to be any. I am looking to work private care but all the agencies seem to be in Columbia. I would also like to know which place is better to live in - Charleston or Columbia in terms of public transportation, jobs, cosmopolitan etc.?

Definitly Charleston!

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