Published Oct 17, 2007
nyapa, RN
995 Posts
You mean to say there is one?! Have the political parties only just found out? Look at all the solutions they have to help us! They will magically fix the bed blockage, ensure there is more room in aged care facilities and disability organisations simply by throwing a little money to train new nurses. That will fix everything!
Yes, there is a nursing shortage. We know that. The govt know that; they have had nursing targeted as a crisis profession for years. But what have they done about it?
Forgive me for being cynical. I love it when these ppl with all the money decide that at election time everything can be solved. And once they get into power, nothing is done.
And the patients sit in ED on trolleys...
276 Posts
I am an ED RN in rural NSW and I've noticed an increase in presentations over the past year. Many of these are the result of the unavailability of local GPs. It's extremely frustrating to see patients who have minor problems that can easily be sorted out with their local Dr, taking up valuable time and space.
The other issue is the fact we are bed blocked. The surgeons and physicians are admitting patients to hospital and there simply are not enough beds, so they end up staying in an overcrowded understaffed ED.
I now understand why ED has an 18 month turnover of RNs.
Typical electioneering by unscrupulous politicians who want the health system to be almost solely funded by insurance. They allow the system to become rundown and decrepit, then posit their political agenda for everyone to be insured.
What we are seeing is the deliberate decay of free health care and the subtle move to a user pays system.
On the other hand I can see why free health care for all doesn't work. It allows freeloading and inappropriate use of expensive resources.
There is no simple answer, merely more overworked and underpaid nurses.
33 Posts
It was interesting to See Mr Rudd's grab at votes with his initiative to fix the nursing crisis with attracting nurses who have left the work force with a meager $3000 on returning to work in public health and a further $3000 after 18 months.
I say good luck to Mr Rudd, because he is going to need it if he thinks this initiative will even touch the ever widening nursing void. There are plenty of nurses out there like myself who earn good money, out side of public or private health. Maybe Mr Rudd is hoping to intice his mother back to the nursing workforce? I know that he will not get me back into a hospital.
Once again there is a real opportunity to address public health, and the labour issues already mentioned in various blogs, but once again we see how the government really undervalues nurses. Just keep a close eye on what is happening in Victoria with nurses having to take industrial action for their profession. We have a labor government in each state, but some how nursing industrial issues and public health would be the same with a coalition government at state level I feel.
3,037 Posts
Liberal, Labor, it makes no difference - every time we go to renegotiate our EBA we're met with low-ball pay offers and undermining of our conditions. I don't understand how they can on the one hand squawk over the imminent dire (as opposed to current increasing) shortage and on the other try to screw over the nurses currently in the system. I guess that's why I'm not a politician.
35 Posts
watching the news tonight, with horror, this idiot intervention into rural services in Tasmania. I have worked in two of the three hospitals under examination at present. There are not enough nurses to fill the b***** rosters, and there haven't been for years.
I can't imagine how anyone thinks a few million dollars will suddenly make nurses appear.
Its all very odd... as you say what nursing crisis.. not enough nurses about to have a crisis.
I'm pretty happy I'm retired.. had a very stressed mate who works in the OT ring tonight... she is about to resign she is so stressed.
happy days.
47 Posts
HI I am quite far away from you, but I can see some of these problems here as well. I work in Los Angeles, CA in the E.D for about 14 months. I would like to ask you a few questions regarding pt care, load, protocols in the E.D in Australia. etc.. please if you don't mind I would appreciate a lot your help. once again thanks a lot.
best regards
14 Posts
Crisis in nursing?
How about a patient who died in the Ed because 2 nurses were looking after 17 pts?
Patients waiting on average 8 hours to be seen in ED
Small hospitals being closed (or the threat of closure)
Regional hospitals being promised upgrades and 2 years on nothing has been done about it
Less students going into nursing - you make more money spending 2 years on the mines than when you add up 3 years training, HECS, and a start pay of around $19 an hour and 3 years wage.
I know this only touches the surface but this was all in the weekend newspapers!
I love my job
But it keeps getting harder every day
End of rant
Joecalifa - nuring 'protocals' are different from state to state. I can only speak from my experience in working in WA. I read these forums alot and have been amazed at the differences between US nurses and nursing here in Australia. I have worked in ED and remote nursing - and I enjoy remote nursing more.
I imagine the basic nursing principles are the same where ever you are. But what might be different is what you can do to whom, and when you can do it!!!
I have done things in a remote setting that i would not have been 'allowed' to do in ED. Remote (Mostly I have been in a single nursing post) allows me to make assessments, triage, treat and a whole range of things. I usually have a Doctor on the end of the phone. However if no doctor is available and it's an emergency, I think on my toes, am guided my own professional practice and have an emergency procedure manual that I follow (and I call for the ambos in a BIG hurry!). In a metro/regional ED you have a Dr already there (hopefully more than 1). If district or country ED's don't have a Dr on site the nurses are responsible for making the decision to call the patients Dr at home.
WA is supposed to have nurse/patient ratios but these don't always apply in the ED. For that matter i don't think they always apply on the wards either! "Ramping" seems to becoming an increasing problem (ambulances that have to wait 'ramped' because there are no beds in the ED) and we are seeing an increase in the amount of time patients have to wait to be seen. Due to a shortage of GP's hospitals are seeing more people with a triage of 4/5 - and this is a nation wide problem.
Politicians would be well advised to look after nurses in the here and now,,,, otherwise they may find themselves getting their own bed pans when the nursing workforce has decided enough is enough.
Hope some of this info has helped! I can only relate my own experiences - others may have had different experiences depending on where they live and where they work.
hello storm06 i think you are absolutely correct! it happens anywhere in the world because of a political reason ( pours down to money ) all of us suffers!
45 Posts
I will bet you a beer that all politicians are the same
they just pretend that they are different -- old wine in a new bottle
everyone has his own selfish agenda!!
It is just a matter of who is a better salesperson