Nursing in colorado for new grads


I currently live in California, and Im studying to be an RN. Ive heard the hiring rate in california isnt that great. I was looking around at states Id be interested in moving to when Im through with schooling, so I was wanting to know how is the hiring rate for new grads in Colorado? Thanks people!

From what I hear, the hiring everywhere in Colorado for new grads right now is non-existent! I hear Texas is hiring! Good luck!

Is nursing even the field to be getting into? I hear alot of people say they cant get hired?

I really think it's because of the economy. A lot of nurses that were supposed to retire didn't because their 401Ks were wiped out. A lot of nurses that weren't working went back because their spouses lost their income, etc. I do think that nursing will be cycled back around and jobs will be more plentiful but with the economy tanking, it seems that more and more people are rushing into nursing jobs. You can't even get into the pre-req classes at my college!

The other thing is, where can you get a job right now? I think almost all the economy is in the dumper. Even if you went for another degree, it might not pay off. If nursing is what you want to do (for me, it's in my heart), then there is nothing that will stop me. Good luck on your search!

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