Published Sep 16, 2017
everchangingRN, ASN, BSN, MSN
37 Posts
Does anyone here have a simple "cheat sheet" to help their students with calculations of dosages? I have used two and explained three different ways, and they aren't getting it (yet). Something that is not copyrighted and something printable if you have it. Please and thanks
Rod, Male Nurse
101 Posts
Dosage calc can be a huge hurdle for some students. Here is one strategy that I employ when I taught pharm and had to teach rookie students. I have a mathematical mind and I quickly showed them how "easy" dosage calc was by doing it "my way" on the board. I saw mostly blank stares so i said "scratch that" and went with what the books were saying to do. Saw alot of "ah ha's" but still some blanks stares. I then has students who "did it different than me" come up and do the problem on the board. I saw that some students really grasped the concept when that student showed "their way". I had another student do the same problem their way and yielded the same results...more students understood. The key point I make to my students is that it isnt going to come to them in a day and for some of them it may take weeks to grasp but it wont happen without practice and really finding "their way" of working the problems.
4,348 Posts
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I have attached a document with seven common formulae that I find work in nearly all of my pharmacology calculations.
7 Common Formulae.docx