

Are there standards or recommendations for nurse staffing in delivery rooms whether for lady partsl or C-section births? For example, is there a requirement for a nurse to care for the newborn?

Specializes in all things maternity.

At my hospital we have a requirement for 2 OB NRP trained nurses in the delivery room/OR room for all for mom and one for baby.

Thanks very much for your reply! Do you happen to know if this staffing pattern was inspired by any professional (AWHOON, etc.) guidelines or other recommendations?

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

The standard is to have at least ONE nurse entirely dedicated to attending to the newborn at any delivery; and there must be TWO NRP-qualified persons attending each delivery. To do less is risky in so many ways. Even babies who look "good" on the monitor can have a secondary apneic spell that takes you by surprise and you can't run any type of code alone! Stick to the standards or risk a lot.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Check NRP program for quotes. I know for a fact it states there must be two NRP-qualified personnel present at each delivery, whether it be c/section or lady partsl birth. (This can mean, nurses, Cardio-pulmonary staff or NNP/Ped).

The site above is where you can info on NRP.

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