Nurses Who Talk Too Darned Much

Nurses Relations


Have you ever made an error at work? You take steps to mitigate any damage, you follow procedure re: reporting. Your coworker gets wind of it, then blabs it to everyone in sight, including to people who don't need to know at all, like the assistants, the cook, and the housekeeper. Naturally, she spreads the word to the next shift 8 hours later, well after the pt is observed to have had no ill effects. Naturally, they blab it to the supervisor, who now labels you an incompetent boob and writes you up for this minor error. I say minor because the pt is alive and well and suffered no known horrors.

How do you deal with Ms. or Mr. Motor Mouth?

I don't think MM did it maliciously, I think she just talks too much.

If it wasn't you who erred, why were you written up?

I wasn't. I guess I didn't write clearly enough. Sorry.

Do you have a policy in your facility against gossiping?

Definitely a violation.

I'm not sure if we do or not, but it's a good idea to have one.

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