Published Dec 14, 2005
ann h
172 Posts
One of our drs has asked me to research nurses undertaking routine cardiac angiograms.
Is there anyone out there with any info.
Thanks in advance
369 Posts
i do know of some pas or nps who do simple diagnostic angiograms or vein studies but the physician will still interpret the results. in addition some states limit the ability of nonphysicians to perform x-ray procedures. it may not be prohibited in the nurse practice act but the radiologic technology legislation may limit the nurses scope of practice as it relates to radiation.
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,567 Posts
What if the nurse obtained his/her fluoro license? State regulations vary; perhaps if the Cardiologist is in the room, and s/he has a fluoro license, that would be enough in some states.
I'm not clear at all on the nursing scope of practice question . . . anyone else know??
12 Posts
Hi! Are you talking about the CT angiography of the heart exams?
We are doing those in our hospital. Ican share some info on that with you if that is what you are looking for. We are new to it and still need some policies if anyone has any to share.
Not CT, Heart Angios under x-ray
Any info you have would be great.
Thanks so much and Happy New year!
I must be totally lost as to what you are looking for....
I have worked cath lab and we do heart caths and I work radiology where we do the 64 slice CT Angiography of the heart, but have never heard of doing a heart angio under xray. You have to inject dye to see the arteries and these are the only two ways that I know of. Clue me in!
Perhaps I should have said fluoro
TNnursejane, BSN, RN
71 Posts
There is a new procedure which is a CT scan of the heart using a 16 or 64 slice picture of the heart which gives as good results as an heart cath. It just involves injection of dye via a power injector.
Maybe I'm old fashion but I wouldn't attempt to do an angiogram on my own if that's what you're asking. Pushing a catheter into a major artery or vein is not my idea of fun! Too must risk for me! I have worked with specialist techs who will advance the catheter for the doc after he/she sticks and the doc is watching the monitors and verbally guides the tech.
This is just my humble opinion! I'm happy with doing moderate sedation and monitoring the patient!