Published May 17, 2009
5 Posts
Hi everyone, I'm in nursing school and have to write a research paper. I need to have these questions answered for my paper If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it. Please include a name, I could use to quote in my paper.
1.How long have you been a nurse?
2.What type of facility are you currently working in?
3. What is your favorite part about being a nurse?
4. Have you used tobacco products since becoming a nurse?
5. Do you work with other nurses who smoke?
6. How do you perceive the nurses who smoke?
7. Do you think nurses who smoke are unable to be effective tobacco cessation advocates?
8. Could you estimate the number of patients you see, if any, with tobacco related issues?
9. Do the nurses who smoke care for their patients as well as nurses who are non-smokers?
10. Are nurses allowed to smoke at the workplace?
11. Can you smell smoke on certain nurses after they return from cigarette breaks? 11.Do patients ever complain about the smell?
12. Do you think that smoking is viewed as a negative attribute when being considered for a leadership/management position?
13. Please share with me any story or detail that you can think of that would pertain to nurses who smoke and their ability to be strong tobacco free advocates.
661 Posts
Hi everyone, I'm in nursing school and have to write a research paper. I need to have these questions answered for my paper If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it. Please include a name, I could use to quote in my paper. 1.How long have you been a nurse?16yrs2.What type of facility are you currently working in?acute rehab hospital3. What is your favorite part about being a nurse?the money4. Have you used tobacco products since becoming a nurse?yes, but quit 14 years ago5. Do you work with other nurses who smoke?yes6. How do you perceive the nurses who smoke?reckless with their health, kind of ignorant7. Do you think nurses who smoke are unable to be effective tobacco cessation advocates?yes8. Could you estimate the number of patients you see, if any, with tobacco related issues?about 5-10%9. Do the nurses who smoke care for their patients as well as nurses who are non-smokers?I think so10. Are nurses allowed to smoke at the workplace?No, not on campus but they sneak around anyway.11. Can you smell smoke on certain nurses after they return from cigarette breaks? yes11.Do patients ever complain about the smell? Not to me12. Do you think that smoking is viewed as a negative attribute when being considered for a leadership/management position? I would view it negatively if I were making the decision13. Please share with me any story or detail that you can think of that would pertain to nurses who smoke and their ability to be strong tobacco free advocates.
1.How long have you been a nurse?16yrs
2.What type of facility are you currently working in?acute rehab hospital
3. What is your favorite part about being a nurse?the money
4. Have you used tobacco products since becoming a nurse?yes, but quit 14 years ago
5. Do you work with other nurses who smoke?yes
6. How do you perceive the nurses who smoke?reckless with their health, kind of ignorant
7. Do you think nurses who smoke are unable to be effective tobacco cessation advocates?yes
8. Could you estimate the number of patients you see, if any, with tobacco related issues?about 5-10%
9. Do the nurses who smoke care for their patients as well as nurses who are non-smokers?I think so
10. Are nurses allowed to smoke at the workplace?No, not on campus but they sneak around anyway.
11. Can you smell smoke on certain nurses after they return from cigarette breaks? yes
11.Do patients ever complain about the smell? Not to me
12. Do you think that smoking is viewed as a negative attribute when being considered for a leadership/management position? I would view it negatively if I were making the decision
I dont see how anyone who does smoke could effectively talk to someone about quitting because they obviously dont really believe it is that crucial to quit or detrimental if they are still doing it.
183 Posts
Well I feel no one should be smoking at all. Tobacco is terrible for you. Also for those around you. I will not hug or kiss anyone who has been smoking. I also feel nurses should set an example by not smoking, tobacco anyway.
What do you suggest we smoke? LOL
evilolive, BSN, RN
193 Posts
I'd hate to imagine what my residents or patients would be like if they took my personal example on ANYTHING!
I feel as a nurse, I'm not trying to be an example to anyone, I am there to care for them, treat them, and educate them. It's not my responsibility to be an example to anyone at this point, maybe children if I have them someday.
1.How long have you been a nurse? One year
2.What type of facility are you currently working in? long term care
3. What is your favorite part about being a nurse? Money, good hours
4. Have you used tobacco products since becoming a nurse? yes
5. Do you work with other nurses who smoke? yes
6. How do you perceive the nurses who smoke? I have no perception, since I am a smoker myself.
7. Do you think nurses who smoke are unable to be effective tobacco cessation advocates? No, I think they could be successful. I believe people will make their own decision as to whether or not to quit, when they are ready. The best we can do is present the facts in an unbiased fashion.
8. Could you estimate the number of patients you see, if any, with tobacco related issues? Unsure of the Hx of some of my residents, but we have a few on O2 and some that I know have smoked in the past.
9. Do the nurses who smoke care for their patients as well as nurses who are non-smokers? YES!
10. Are nurses allowed to smoke at the workplace? Yes, we have a "butt hut" about 200 feet from the facility, near our garage
11. Can you smell smoke on certain nurses after they return from cigarette breaks? Once in awhile
11. Do patients ever complain about the smell? I've never heard a complaint
12. Do you think that smoking is viewed as a negative attribute when being considered for a leadership/management position? I think it can be viewed negatively. Most everyone I've come across views smoking negatively. Personally, at this point, I would not care if my manager smoked, as long as he/she was a good mgr.
13. Please share with me any story or detail that you can think of that would pertain to nurses who smoke and their ability to be strong tobacco free advocates. Perhaps this is just IMHO, but I think people who are willing to take the initiative to change their health will take the proper steps to do so. Think of it this way, if you are a diabetic doing diabetic teaching, and your pt. spots you having a sweet snack (maybe a cookie), do you come across as a good role model? Why did your pt. even know you were a diabetic? In terms of smoking, there is no reason why any of my pts. should know I smoke, unless there is a trace smell on me after I wash up after a smoke (wash hands, lotion, or body spray)
Whether or not someone smokes as a nurse, should not have an impact on their pt's decision to quit, or their ability to be an effective teacher. When teaching, you are not going to say "hey, look at me, I don't smoke and look how healthy I am" as a teaching point. We are not able to change everyone's "bad" habits. Some people you just can't change. Just
mama_d, BSN, RN
1,187 Posts
Nine long years :)
Acute care hospital
Educating patients, interventions to improve quality of life
Yep, since before I even thought about it.
I'm closer to them since I spend my breaks with them in general.
Nope. I've quit twice and started back up again, so I think that I understand the struggles with tobacco addiction better than someone who hasn't and am able to empathize with them about it. I also am not judgmental about it the way that some nurses are.
I work tele/oncology, so a large percentage...I'd say that about 75-80% of my patients have a current or former tobacco history.
Actually, it ends up on my floor that all of the nurses who smoke are in the group of the strongest nurses on the unit. Just a quirk though I'm sure.
No, but we do it anyway.
No and no...we're all very careful about it (Febreeze, hand washing, lightly scented body spray, etc.)
Just what I said before...I think we're a little more understanding about it and able to better recognize that it's a tough road.
I'd hate to imagine what my residents or patients would be like if they took my personal example on ANYTHING! I feel as a nurse, I'm not trying to be an example to anyone, I am there to care for them, treat them, and educate them. It's not my responsibility to be an example to anyone at this point, maybe children if I have them someday.
I understand what you are saying. Originally, my thesis was "... in order to be a better role model for others" the more I thought about it the more I thought exactly what you said. That's why it is now "... in order to be better tobacco free advocates."
I just wanted to thank everyone for their replies. You guys are awesome!!